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A lush, green garden on a beautiful, sunny day with the words "The Fairy Garden" superimposed over it.

Welcome to a world that few people have had the opportunity to explore: the North American fairy garden. According to statistics from the Ministry of the Environment, fairy gardens of this size and diversity are increasingly rare in Canada and on our continent.

Please step gently - and if you do happen to see a fairy... do not disturb them. Whenever you're ready, please press play.

The Fairy Garden
00:00 / 10:33

Creative Team
written by Robert Motum

Performed and edited by Zach Parsons

Created with the generous support of Dundurn Castle

Tottering Biped Theatre wishes to thank the Ontario Arts Council, The Incite Foudation, The Canada Presentation Fund, The Hamilton Enrichment Fund, and our private donors for making this series possible.

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